
Cassel Games
Based in Seoul, Republic of Korea

Release date:
November 2023


PC, Console




New game with combined genre of strategic survival, Sandbox, and city building simulation. 

Enjoy the simulation with vast world to adventure with a great number of contents. 

Build your own economical system to sustain your ideal city of Ratopia.


  • Economically active Ratizens: 

    Citizens of Ratopia each owns wealth and characteristics.

    There is no such thing as a free lunch!
    Supply jobs and services for Ratizens to make all happy.

  • Create extraordinary Policies:

    Make a detailed policy to tax them all!

    Shouldn't the people all work restlessly for more profit?

    Create or prevent social disasters with own policies.

  • Diverse adventures placed Underworld:

    Explore and find the remains of the great old rats.

    Bring prosperity to the city through great expeditions.

    Some might woke up new apex predators, but who cares?


Ratopia Early Access Trailer (YouTube)

Ratopia Prototype (YouTube)

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Awards & Recognition

  • "1st Place" G-Eight Indie Awards, 2023
  • "Winner" Justdan Indie Awards, 2023
  • "Winner" Beaver Featured, 2023
  • "2nd Place" Best Indie game of G-STAR, 2023
  • "2nd Place" 18th Gyonggi Game Audition, 2023
  • "Jury Prize" BIGS, 2022


  • SungJin Hwang
    Design, Cassel Games

  • YunHyeok Yim
    Design, Cassel Games

  • SunWoong Lee
    Engineering, Cassel Games

  • JongChang Park
    Engineering, Cassel Games

  • MinSu Kim
    Art, Cassel Games

  • GaYeon Ham
    Art, Cassel Games

  • WooChan Yang
    Art, Cassel Games